Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I have tried before to keep a blog that would be interesting enough that my friends and family would want to follow it. However, I was unable to keep myself interested enough in blogging for it to even go anywhere. The blogs name was; "Three Dogs in The Windy City", and it was suppose to follow the adventures of my move to Chicago with my wonderful boyfriend Andy and our three dogs Ellie Mae, Pilot, and Harvey. That blog started with a small collage of pictures of our trip to Chicago and it also ended there. Chicago is an awesome town though, don't get me wrong. I have had quite a few great times and met several amazing people. Now 10 months later, here we set off again on yet another adventure. Further west this time, to glorious star studded Los Angeles, California. We will take the "Mother Road", Route 66. There should be endless stories along that road and I will document them here for those who care to read this blog.

I named my blog "Tales of the Traveling Tennessee Tina" because It would seem that I have transformed into a nomad of sorts, the longest time I have spent in one place was my hometown of Bristol, Tennessee where I grew up most of my life. I flip flopped back and forth to Orlando, FL  three or four times. All told I spent around six years there, and it just so happens to be where I met my sweet love, Andy. I have moved states a total of seven times in just under ten years time. I have met so many genuine people, I have fallen in love with so many streets and songs that were sung on those certain streets. Adventure has always been a friend of mine.

As we take this whole new journey west, traveling further away from our friends and family a certain calm of electricity has taken over me if that makes any sense. It isn't like I am busting at the seams , I am just calmly excited for the next chapter in life. I am excited to try and pursue my dream of acting , who knows what roads I may find to sing on there. I am excited that the hard work and genius ideas that Andy has put in over the years allows us this opportunity to see new places, read new books, listen to new music, eat new food and meet new people.

Welp, that about does her, wraps her all up. Catch ya further on down the trail.